Logan's been a bit under the weather recently. He may have scooped up a wild mushroom when I wasn't looking. Mushrooms upset the fragile balance in his well-tuned diet — a diet of Eukanuba Senior, Large-Breed, Dog Food ("premium food with Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene") supplemented with a smattering of dandelions, Kleenex, twigs, old coffee cups (preferably Starbucks), and crap from the ducks in the park. He just can't tolerate mushrooms.
What this means is that we have a few messy walks. I don't feed him for about 24 hours so he can dry out and then he gets to eat boiled hamburger meat and rice for a day or two until his tummy mends. It also means he's a bit lethargic and doesn't want to do much. I wanted to stay home to smoke cigars and play poker with him last night but I sensed he wasn't up to it. I went to the Fringe Festival instead.

Isn't it odd the way mushrooms never bother some dogs but do bother others. Poor Logan and poor you. But I suppose this too shall pass.
I ate poisonous mushrooms once...
ONCE only! Logan, stop that!
Waiting for part II...
Are you sure it was the mushrooms? 'Cause it could have been the Kleenex, especially if it was generic kleenex not real Kleenex
Xup: Welcome to our humble blog! Logan is a big fan of yours. We were just discovering the blogging world in November and your daily posts were seeding our budding blogging interest. Logan is happy you're back.
Now back to business... Logan has done extensive research on the effects of various paper products on his digestive system. In his numerous controlled tests he has determined that "tissue" of any brand, and preferably used, is best chewed momentarily to extract the flavours and then spit out. The amount of time he suggests having it in his mouth just happens to coincide to the length of time it takes the event to register on my brain before I tell him to spit it out!
woodsy: It worked! I think Logan understands wood-nymph-lingo because he hasn't had a mushroom since. Thanks. :)
Part II requires a bit more research. I'm off to the fringe festival again. This time I hope to do more than drink wine all night!
Julia: I think mushrooms were Uma's influence. I saw how she used to whisper in Logan's ear when he was young and impressionable!
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