And so we did and you know what, we fell in love with Robbie and Suzie.
So Cookie Girl and I ran to Pet Smart, bought all the things lovebirds need: a cage and toys and different kinds of pellets and seeds and perches, and then we scooted back to the Humane Society before Last Call for Adoptions.
As I looked over the adoption papers, I smiled when I saw listed as the birds' names "Romeo" and "Juliet". Cookie Girl asked me why I was smiling. I said "Nothing" and signed the papers. We are now proud parents of two 11-month old lovebirds.
"You know," I said to Cookie Girl in the car on the way home, "it might be a little corny to call them Robbie and Suzie. Maybe we should think of new names."
"How about Romeo and Juliet?" suggested Cookie Girl with a devilish smile, but we both agreed those were stupid names.
I think we'll go with Billie and Lester (Billie Holiday and Lester Young) unless you can think of something better.

Lovely birds!
I especially like the pink-headed one.
oh! they're beautiful! congrats!
The pink-headed one is Lester, the entertainer of the two. He does loop-dee-loops on the bar while Billie cheers and Logan barks. It used to be too quiet in my house anyways!
How about George and Gracie?
That's a great Brady Bunch-type photo. All you need is the cat to be looking *up* at the birds.
- RG>
The thought bubble over Duncan's head says, "Lunch!"
Logan's bubble says, "Why am I wearing this silly sweater?"
But the birds are great! Did you see this video?
Maybe you can teach them to talk!
George and Gracie were on the short list. I thought their constant cheery voices warranted names from the music world though.
A picture of Duncan looking up... too suggestive, don't you think ;)
They're so cute! I heart love birds.
When I went to Vancouver Island, i visited a bird rescue. They had allot of love birds, all missing their feathers. So sad.
Are lovebirds really noisy? Just curious.
really cute. :)
Yes J, noisy! Logan is lying on the floor next to their cage with paws over his big floppy ears.
What? You couldn't get Duncan and Logan into one smoochy photo, too? I assume the red-headed one is the boy? Otherwise Rhett and Scarlett or Lucy and Desi would be cute.
There's also the equally androgynous Frankie and Johnny. In the song however, they come to a bad end. But in the movie, they fall in love (the 1991 movie with Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer).
They are just beautiful. Congratulations! (My 2 cents: Franny & Zooey...great names if you love J.D. Salinger?)
A star crossed as well, but Sid and Nancy came to mind... might want to keep them away from the pharmaceuticals. ;)
Beautiful birds. I think... birds freak me out... just a touch.
Beautiful birds! How about the names Lancelot and Guinevere?
ah. how nice are they! cool and cute.
I loved the happy couple photo!
hey there JuliaR....I'm the one who bought that 'silly' sweater for Logan, and I think he looks very handsome!! LOL
Good thing I didn't actually knit the thing or I'd be highly insulted ;-) ;-)
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