Nesting Instinct - 2007 - Reid McLachlan
It's Cookie Girl's Son's birthday Thursday and she always makes chicken balls for his birthday dinner. When Son of CG asked if we could do chicken balls Wednesday instead of Thursday, we realized we could now go to the Opening Reception of The Collection's Cabinet at the City Hall Art Gallery. One of my local favourites, Reid McLachlan, will have at least one piece on display.
Happy Birthday Son of CG.
Happy birthday chicken ball fan! LOL. That painting looks really interesting. Have fun at the Gallery!:)
Thanks Hannah... the art show was definitely worth it. It showcased some of the City of Ottawa's latest acquisitions and put a lot of local talent on my radar. If you get a chance, check it out. And oh yes, Cookie Girl makes the best chicken balls. No wonder they're her son's favourite birthday meal.
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