Now that winter's done, I think it's finally time to "break the ice". It's almost 4 years since I started thinking about blogging and made a test post.
Logan-the-Dog is now nine years old (63 dog years). Our walks are not as lengthy as they were 4 years ago and they are less frequent but we still get out 2 or 3 times a day. Some of our walks are pure "business" trips, like right after work. Some are social walks (early in the evening) when we walk with Casey and Riley, a few of Logan's buddies, although those walks are less frequent because Casey and Riley are out at 6:30 p.m. sharp and we can't always make it.
Here's Logan-the-Dog (centre) with his buddies Casey (left) and Riley (right).
Our best walks are the early morning ones. We have a few regular paths and unless the weather is inclement, I'll let Logan make some of the initial choices to determine our path. I use this walk to wake up and usually let my mind wander. Sometimes all I can think about are the projects I'm working on, or whose pissing me off lately!
Mostly I work at home but since December I've been on an on-site contract downtown. At first this was traumatic for me and Logan-the-Dog. For me because up until then my days had been very fairly unstructured and I could work in shorts and bare feet and although I liked to get started by 8:30 there was never any pressure to do so. Now I have to walk and feed Logan, shower, shave and dress and be out of the house at 6:44 to catch the bus downtown. And I'm not around to let Logan outside in the backyard every hour or so to chase squirrels or to toss him cookies.
Retirement options for a ruined world
2 days ago
I love this photo.
Congratulations on the new blog, and welcome to the blogging community - I'm so pleased to see you've taken the plunge.
Zoom, you are officially the first person to comment on my blog! I would like to point out to my blogging audience (which is now three!) that is was you who inspired me and finally encouraged me to make the leap into the blogging world. I only hope my blogs can be a fraction as interesting and entertaining as yours are. Thanks. 'Nuf said!
And yes that picture is one of my favourites. Logan, Casey and Riley - the neighbourhood gang; they own the streets in Castlebrook Village!
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