I'm not a MAC person so I'm not sure when it was – perhaps 5 years ago, maybe further back – that Macs were released without floppy drives. I remember wondering WHAT they were thinking! How are you supposed to get your data OUT of the computer. Writable CD drives were fairly new (OK so maybe is was longer ago) and I thought Apple must expect CDs to be the new floppy. As it turned out, e-mail, ftp, and jump drives pretty much eliminated the need for floppies and Apple had the foresight to remove these drives from their designs before they just became unnecessary vestiges.
PC design has always been slightly behind MAC, so by the time these changes happened to my PC, I barely noticed. Because I'm in desktop publishing, primarily a service field, I've had to be able to accept data from as many sources as possible and so for a long time, I insisted on having 2 floppy drives – 3.5 inch and 5.25 inch. I now look at the two PCs I have on my desk, one about 6 years old just has a 3.5 inch drive and the "newer" one about 3 years old doesn't even have a floppy and I don't think I ever noticed!
Yesterday, while taking the early morning walk with Logan, I noticed how the new Minto development evolving in our neighbourhood seems to have very little room for parking and then I wondered if Minto has the same foresight that Apple had in the 90s. With the cost of fuel skyrocketing and the trend towards enviro-friendly consciousness, maybe cars themselves will become obsolete in the near future!
Carney on the carbon bubble and stranded assets
15 hours ago